“Why did the Chicken Cross the Road” Episode 1

Why did the Chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side, of course!

Why did the chicken get to the other side of the road?

I do not know. He probably had business to do.

Why did Al cross the road?

Because his business was located on the other side of the road! Wait, who’s Al?

Don’t you know? “Al’s Toy Barn”!

[*Sitcom laugh track*]

Al’s Toy B- Oh! You don’t mean that place from Toy Story, right?

Yep! Here’s another joke for you.!

Ok. Go right ahead!

Why did the chicken cross the checkerboard?

I don’t know. Why?

So he could check his mate!


[*Sitcom laugh track*]

Here’s another one! How many chickens does it take to change a lightbulb?

I don’t know. Does it depend on how many chickens are able to cross the road in order to reach the lightbulb?

[*Sitcom laugh track*]

To be continued…

Published by Rosaryknight

Ite ad Mariam!