Quotes from Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.

“God is so insistent upon being loved in the neighbor that He makes this love the essential condition of our eternal salvation. Our love must be realistic and actualized in our dealings with our neighbor: this is the unfailing proof of our love for God.” – Fr. Gabriel

“Patience is the virtue which makes us accept for love of God, generously and peacefully, everything that is displeasing to our nature, without allowing ourselves to be depressed by the sadness which easily comes over us when we meet with disagreeable things.” – Fr. Gabriel

“Without Me you can do nothing.” How many ambitions and points of honor, how much self-complacency, how many desires for self applause and for advancement in recognition of our personal worth are broken, like waves on the rocks, by these words!” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.

“There’s no difficulty in our lives for which God does not have a solution. From all eternity He has forseen it and has a remedy for each case, no matter how difficult the situation may be. Sometimes He seems to leave us alone… only to test us” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.

“One who consecrates himself to a person gives himself entirely to that person; his tastes, interests, and desires must give way to those of the one to whom he has given himself, and to whom he now belongs. This is the meaning of Consecration to the Sacred Heart.” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, O.C.D.

“Oh, if every soul would respond to the divine appeal by as complete an acceptance as Mary’s “Ecce ancilla Domini… Fiat!” Behold the handmaid of the Lord… Be it done!” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, O.C.D.

“Nothing exists without a reason, nothing in the world happens by chance; everything, everything without the least exception, is part of the magnificent plan of divine Providence . . . every event, even the most insignificant, has been foreseen from all eternity.” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, O.C.D.

“Even when our suffering is intense, let us not exaggerate it, nor attach too much importance to it; let us not foster a morbid tendency to nurture our sorrow… those who know how to forget themselves… take greater thought for others than for themselves.” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, O.C.D.

“Real friendship leads to a oneness of thought, will affections, desires, and interests. Our friendship with God will be perfect when there is no longer anything in us which is contrary to the divine will, when we are conformed to it in everything.” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, O.C.D.

“Even if we seem to have used up all our strength, if we feel unable to do anything and see ourselves always prostrate, powerless to rise, there is still one possibility for us; to humble ourselves. Let us humble ourselves sincerely and with confidence; and humility will supply for all our miseries; it will heal all our wounds because it will attract divine mercy to them.” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, O.C.D.

“As a mother does not care to have her children’s faults spoken of, neither is God pleased to have us talk about the faults of His creatures. We must refrain from speaking about the faults of others, and also avoid paying attention to those who do talk about them.” – Fr. Gabriel

“Mary’s Assumption shows us the route in our spiritual ascent … detachment from created things, not to allow ourselves to be captivated by the fascination of creatures, but to live among them with much charity, without letting our heart become attached to them. ” – Fr. Gabriel

“Patience is the virtue which permits us to live in a state of suffering, hardship and privation without losing our serenity. It enables us to remain firm amid storms without becoming irritated or despondent.” – Fr. Gabriel

(More quotes will be added in the future…)

Published by Rosaryknight

Ite ad Mariam!