Quotes From Fr. Hardon, S.J., Servant of God

“How are we to return this love that Christ had for us and presently has for us? By totally and constantly conforming, submitting and surrendering our lives to Him. This is the sacrifice God wants of us during our lives – allowing Him to move our wills.” – Fr. John Hardon

“Never question God’s dealings with you. Respect God’s work in your soul with silence.” – Fr. John Hardon

“A person is in exactly as much peace of heart as he or she is humble.” – Fr. John Hardon

“Holiness is selfless charity. Selflessness.” – Fr. John Hardon

“God became man for two reasons. He became man that He might, having a body and a soul, might be able to suffer; and a human will that He might be able to want to suffer. Everybody suffers. Does everybody suffer willingly? No.” – Fr. John Hardon

“Patience is the willing endurance of suffering. We may somewhat loosely speak of someone being patient without actually suffering; yet the true meaning of patience implies the experience of pain which is suffering. The will accepting the suffering, that is patience” – Fr. Hardon

“Do you know that there is such a thing as suffering and being proud of your capacity to endure?” – Fr. John Hardon

“The Last Supper, the Sacred Heart, in the Person of Christ, in the framework of His Humanity, kneeling at the feet of His disciples. O my God, why have we the need of going any further to learn the lesson of humility. The Heart of God at the feet of His disciples.” – Fr. Hardon

Published by Rosaryknight

Ite ad Mariam!