Feasts of February

Dedicated to the Holy Family

  • February 1
    • St. Ignatius of Antioch, Martyr
    • St. Brigid of Ireland
  • February 2
    • The Presentation of Jesus Christ and the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    • St. Cornelius the Centurion (Acts x)
  • February 3
    • St. Blaise, Martyr
  • February 4
    • St. Andrew Corsini, Bishop of Fiesole
    • St. Jane of Valois, Queen
  • February 5
    • St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
    • The Holy Martyrs of Japan
  • February 6
    • St. Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr
    • St. Titus, Bishop and Martyr
  • February 7
    • St. Romuald, Abbot
  • February 8
    • St. Apollonia and Companions, Martyr
    • St. Cinthia (Cointha), Martyr
  • February 9
    • St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor of The Church
  • February 10
    • St. Scholastica, Abbess
  • February 11
    • Our Lady of Lourdes
  • February 12
    • The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
    • St. Eulalia
  • February 13
    • St. Polyucte
  • February 14
    • St. Valentine, Martyr
  • February 15
    • St. Claude de la Columbiere, SJ
  • February 16
    • St. Onesimus, Bishop and Martyr
  • February 17
    • The Flight Into Egypt
  • February 18
    • St. Bernadette of Soubirous
    • St. Simeon of Jerusalem, Bishop and Martyr
  • February 19
    • St. Conrad of Piacenza
  • February 20
    • St. Leo of Catania
  • February 21
    • St. Robert Southwell, Martyr in England
    • St. Peter Mavimenus
    • Bl. Natalis Pinot, Martyr
  • February 22
    • St. Peter’s Chair at Antioch
  • February 23
    • St. Peter Damien
    • St. Lazarus, Monk
  • February 24
    • St. Matthias the Apostle
  • February 25
    • St. Walburga, Abbess
  • February 26
    • St. Alexander of Alexandria
    • St. Porphyry of Gaza, Bishop and Cardinal
  • February 27
    • St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
    • St. Leander of Seville
  • February 28
    • Pope St. Hilary


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