Feasts of July

Dedicated to The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ

  • July 1
    • Feast of The Precious Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ
  • July 2
    • Feast of The Visitation (Of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Elizabeth)
  • July 3
    • Pope St. Leo II
  • July 4
    • All Holy Pontiffs
    • St. Theodore
    • SS. Osee and Aggeus the minor Prophets
  • July 5
    • St. Anthony Maria Zaccaria
  • July 6
    • St. Isaias the Major Prophet
    • St. Palladius, Apostle to the Scots
    • St. Pantaenus, Doctor of the Church
    • SS. John Fisher and Thomas More, Martyrs in England
    • St. Maria Goretti, Martyr
    • St. Edna
    • St. Blanche
  • July 7
    • SS. Cyril and Methodius, Apostles to the Slavic Nations
  • July 8
    • St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen of Portugal
  • July 9
    • St. Veronica Juliani
    • St. Augustine and the Chinese Companions, Martyrs
  • July 10
    • SS. Felicitas and her seven sons
    • SS. Rufina and Secunda, Virgins and Martyrs
  • July 11
    • Pope St. Pius I, Martyr
    • St. Oliver Plunkett, English Martyr
    • St. Olga
  • July 12
    • St. Veronica of The Holy Veil
    • St. Jason, Disciple of Jesus Christ
    • SS. Nabor and Felix, Martyrs
    • St. John Gualbert
    • St. Anderl von Rinn, Young Martyr
  • July 13
    • The Third Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima (The Vision of Hell)
    • Pope St. Anacletus I, Martyr
    • St. Eugenius (Died in Exile)
    • St. Joel the minor Prophet
    • St. Esdras (read about him in the Bible)
  • July 14
    • St. Bonaventure, Bishop, Cardinal, and Doctor of The Church
    • St. Francis Solanus, Priest and Missionary to South America
  • July 15
    • St. Henry II, Emperor of Germany
  • July 16
    • Our Lady of Mount Carmel
  • July 17
    • St. Alexius the Beggar
    • The 16 Holy Carmelite Nuns of Compeigne, Martyrs
    • Bl. Chester (Ceslas) of Poland
    • Bl. Harvey (Herve), Abbot
    • The Four Holy Martyrs of California (In the Franciscan Book of Saints)
  • July 18
    • St. Camillus de Lellis, Founder
    • SS. Symphorosa and her seven sons, Martyrs
  • July 19
    • St. Vincent de Paul
    • St. Macrina the Younger
  • July 20
    • St. Elias the Prophet
    • St. Jerome (Gerolimo) Emiliani, Founder
    • St. Margaret of Antioch, Auxiliary Saint and Martyr
  • July 21
    • St. Daniel the Major Prophet
    • St. Praxedes, Virgin
    • St. Lawrence of Brindisi
  • July 22
    • St. Mary Magdalene, Penitent
  • July 23
    • Our Lady, Mother of Mercy
    • St. Apollinaris of Ravenna, Bishop
    • St. Liborius of Le Mans, Bishop
  • July 24
    • St. Christina, Martyr
    • St. Charbel
  • July 25
    • St. James the Greater, the Apostle
    • St. Christopher, the Christ-Bearer, Auxiliary Saint and Martyr
  • July 26
    • St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • July 27
    • Pope St. Celestine I
    • St. Pantaleon of Nicomedia, Auxiliary Saint and Martyr
  • July 28
    • Pope St. Innocent I
    • Pope St. Victor I
    • SS. Nazarius and Celsus, Martyrs
  • July 29
    • St. Martha, sister of SS. Mary Magdalene and Lazarus of Bethany
    • Pope St. Felix II
    • St. Olaf, King
  • July 30
    • SS. Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs
    • Pope Bl. Urban II
  • July 31
    • St. Ignatius of Loyola, Founder of The Jesuit Order

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