Feasts of September

Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows

  • September 1
    • St. Anna the Prophetess
    • St. Giles, Abbot (Auxiliary Saint)
    • St. Teresa Margaret of The Sacred Heart
    • SS. Josua and Gideon (Old Testament)
  • September 2
    • St. Stephen of Hungary
  • September 3
    • Pope St. Pius X
    • St. Seraphia, Virgin and Martyr
    • St. Phoebe
  • September 4
    • St. Moses, Prophet and Lawgiver
    • Pope St. Boniface I
    • St. Rose of Viterbo
    • St. Rosalia, Virgin
  • September 5
    • St. Lawrence Justinian
  • September 6
    • St. Zacharias the minor Prophet
    • St. Eleutherius, Abbot
  • September 7
    • Vigil of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    • St. Clodoald, Confessor
    • St. Regina
  • September 8
    • The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    • Pope St. Sergius I
    • St. Adrian
    • St. Corbinian of Freising
  • September 9
    • St. Peter Claver, Jesuit Missionary
    • St. Omer, Bishop of Therouanne
    • St. Gorgonius
  • September 10
    • St. Nicholas of Tolentino
  • September 11
    • St. John Gabriel Perboyre, Lazarist Priest and Martyr
    • St. Paphnutius, Bishop in Egypt
  • September 12
    • The Most Holy Name of Mary, the Blessed Virgin
    • St. Guy (Guido) of Anderlecht
  • September 13
    • St. Maurillius, Bishop of Angers
    • The Fifth Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima
  • September 14
    • The Exaltation of The Holy Cross
    • St. Crescentius
  • September 15
    • Our Lady of Sorrows (Second Commemoration)
    • St. Nicomedes, Martyr
  • September 16
    • Pope St. Cornelius I, Martyr
    • St. Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr
    • St. Euphemia
  • September 17
    • Anniversary of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi
    • St. Hildegard of Bingen
  • September 18
    • St. Joseph of Cupertino
  • September 19
    • Our Lady of La Salette
    • St. Januarius, Bishop and Martyr
    • St. Theodore of Canterbury
  • September 20
    • St. Eustachius
    • St. Andrew and the Korean Martyr Companions, Martyrs
    • St. Candida
  • September 21
    • St. Matthew the Apostle, Martyr
    • St. Jonas the minor Prophet (Who was inside a big fish (Jon. ii.))
  • September 22
    • St. Thomas of Villanova
    • SS. Maurice and Companions, Martyrs
  • September 23
    • Pope St. Linus I, Martyr (First Successor to St. Peter)
    • St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Mystic
  • September 24
    • Our Lady of Ransom
    • Our Lady of Walsingham
  • September 25
    • St. Cleophas
    • Bl. Herman the Cripple
    • St. Barry (Finbar) of Ireland
  • September 26
    • SS. Cyprian and Justina, Martyrs
    • SS. John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues, and Companions, Holy Martyrs of North America
  • September 27
    • SS. Cosman and Damian, Martyrs
  • September 28
    • St. Wenceslaus, Duke of Bohemia and Martyr
  • September 29
    • St. Michael the Archangel, Champion
  • September 30
    • St. Jerome, Doctor of The Church

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