Quotes from Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange

“Only in heaven shall we see how wisdom is identical with God’s utterly free good pleasure; how, for all its freedom, this good pleasure is by no means a caprice, since it is penetrated through and through by wisdom.” – Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange “Nothing comes to pass either in the material or in the spiritualContinue reading “Quotes from Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange”

Quotes From Fr. Hardon, S.J., Servant of God

“How are we to return this love that Christ had for us and presently has for us? By totally and constantly conforming, submitting and surrendering our lives to Him. This is the sacrifice God wants of us during our lives – allowing Him to move our wills.” – Fr. John Hardon “Never question God’s dealingsContinue reading “Quotes From Fr. Hardon, S.J., Servant of God”

Quotes from Fr. Johannes Tauler

“No one can fully understand how ready God is to receive our souls, meeting us every instant halfway and with all eagerness as we advance toward Him. How does it happen that we hold back, and that we refuse this invitation, that we do it so often and for such frivolous reasons?” “A man onceContinue reading “Quotes from Fr. Johannes Tauler”

Quotes from Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.

“Without Me you can do nothing.” How many ambitions and points of honor, how much self-complacency, how many desires for self applause and for advancement in recognition of our personal worth are broken, like waves on the rocks, by these words!” – Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.

Johannes Tauler – An Excerpt on Suffering

“The gospel tells us that the Lord went in search of the lost sheep. How are we to understand this search? It is thus: God seeks and searches for a humble, gentle and poor-minded soul, one that is detached from earthly things and rests indifferent — though that does not mean a sluggard who sitsContinue reading “Johannes Tauler – An Excerpt on Suffering”

Quotes from St. Francis de Sales and Other Saints

“Strive to preserve your heart in peace, and let no event of this world disturb it.” – St. Francis de Sales “Don’t lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” – St. Francis de Sales “Adversity it the touchstone of the soul, because it makes manifest the degree ofContinue reading “Quotes from St. Francis de Sales and Other Saints”